How Does Hypertension Affect Your Kidneys?Feb 14, 2025Hypertension affects millions of Americans, and so does kidney disease. Not surprisingly, there’s an association between these two chronic medical problems. Here’s how hypertension affects your kidneys and what we can do to help.Continue reading →
Top Treatments for Polycystic Kidney DiseaseJan 17, 2025Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a chronic condition that requires ongoing treatment to protect your kidneys and how they function. If you have PKD, here’s how we can help you manage it.Continue reading →
How Does Home Comfort Dialysis Work?Dec 17, 2024Dialysis plays an important role in the management of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Home comfort dialysis focuses on therapies and techniques to make the dialysis experience as relaxing and comfortable as possible. Here’s how it works.Continue reading →
6 Types of Kidney Stones: Symptoms and TreatmentsNov 07, 2024Most people know kidney stones cause a lot of pain, but that’s about as far as their understanding goes. Here, learn about six types of stones, their causes, and what we can do to treat them.Continue reading →
How Does Sleep Affect Your Kidney Health?Oct 01, 2024Sleep is important for lots of reasons, but did you know it’s really important for your kidneys, too? Here, learn about the link between your sleep habits and your kidneys, so you can play a more proactive role in your health.Continue reading →
At What Age Is High Blood Pressure Most Likely to Develop?Sep 03, 2024Hypertension affects millions of Americans, increasing their risks of heart disease, stroke, and other serious problems. Here’s when high blood pressure is most common and how we can help you decrease your risk.Continue reading →
What Is a Nephrologist?Aug 12, 2024If you’re one of the millions of Americans with kidney problems, your neurologist will play a key role in your treatment. But just what is a nephrologist and what do they do? We have the answers in this post.Continue reading →
Can I Pass Kidney Problems to My Children?Jul 26, 2024As a parent, it’s normal to worry about what genes you’re passing on to your children. If you have kidney problems, that worry is even greater. Here, learn whether kidney problems can be inherited and what to do to minimize your child’s risks.Continue reading →
A Closer Look at Life On DialysisJun 20, 2024Dialysis is a lifesaver for many people with CKD, performing the functions that your kidneys can no longer do on their own. Here, learn how dialysis works and how you can optimize your life while receiving treatment.Continue reading →
The Link Between Smoking and Kidney ProblemsMay 15, 2024Most people know smoking is bad for their heart and lungs, but it can be really bad for your kidneys, too. If you smoke, here’s what you should know about the association between smoking and kidney health and dysfunction.Continue reading →
Tired All the Time? It Could Be a Kidney ProblemApr 15, 2024It isn’t uncommon to feel tired every now and then, but if you find yourself dealing with chronic fatigue, it could be a sign of a kidney problem. Here, learn the important link between kidney health and fatigue.Continue reading →
Do This Now If You Want a Healthy Kidney LaterMar 16, 2024Kidney disease affects millions of Americans, causing organ dysfunction that can lead to life-threatening complications. There are treatments that can help, but prevention is better. Here’s what you can do to support optimal kidney health.Continue reading →
Get to Know Your KidneysFeb 14, 2024Your kidneys play vital roles keeping you healthy, yet many of us don’t know anything about these important organs. Here, learn about the essentials, including basic kidney function, kidney disease, and what you can do to keep your kidneys healthy. Continue reading →
Who Is a Candidate for Home Dialysis?Jan 08, 2024Dialysis plays a critical role in managing chronic kidney disease, and having dialysis in your home can make the process a lot more convenient and a lot less stressful. Here’s how to tell if home dialysis could be a good choice for you.Continue reading →
Yes, Women Can Get Kidney Stones, TooDec 15, 2023Historically, kidney stones have affected men more than women. In recent years, however, the number of women suffering from kidney stones has risen. If you’re a woman, here’s what you should know about this painful problem.Continue reading →
You Could Have Hypertension and Not Know ItNov 01, 2023Hypertension (or high blood pressure) increases your risks of serious medical problems, including kidney failure. The problem: In its early stages, it’s virtually impossible to detect without a doctor’s help. Here’s why regular screenings are vital.Continue reading →
8 Things You Can Do to Prevent Chronic Kidney DiseaseOct 02, 2023Chronic kidney disease causes your kidneys to lose function, leading to organ failure over time. But, you can prevent CKD from occurring or worsening with healthy lifestyle practices and comprehensive care from a nephrologist. Continue reading →